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Fig. 4 | Human Genomics

Fig. 4

From: The X-factor in ART: does the use of assisted reproductive technologies influence DNA methylation on the X chromosome?

Fig. 4

Co-methylation patterns in the region flanking the most significant XWAS finding (cg25034591; highlighted in blue) in the girls-only analysis. The top part of the figure shows the effect sizes and FDR-adjusted p values for the CpGs within 50 kb of cg25034591. The X chromosome coordinates are provided directly underneath. The middle part of the plot shows the location of genes and regulatory regions based on GRCh37 annotations. The bottom part of the figure shows the DNAm correlation matrix, where the color gradient indicates the strength and direction of correlation of DNAm level for each pair of CpGs. Note that the correlation coefficients are provided inside each matrix element (each diamond), and nonsignificant correlations are crossed out (significance was estimated based on adjusted p-values, using the Benjamini-Yakuteli method)

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