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Table 3 Synteny analysis of HSF1-CanSig 8q genes. A. Percentage of syntenic genes between species. Percentages are based on the number of genes in the column’s species. The percentages in lower triangle excluded the separated chr4q in mouse and chr5q in rat. Whereas, the percentages in the upper triangle (shaded) include the separated chr4q in mouse and chr5q in rat. B. Order of human genes is used as the reference. Genes are ordered in 5′-to-3′ direction according to respective reference genomes from top to bottom except for bovine, which is in reverse order. Non-syntenic genes are marked in boxes. Superscript + indicates the chromosomal location of the gene was determined by BLAT. Exact genomic coordinates of these genes can be found in Additional file 1: Table S6

From: Overexpressed HSF1 cancer signature genes cluster in human chromosome 8q