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Table 2 Socioeconomic characteristics of survey respondents

From: Attitudes of stakeholders in psychiatry towards the inclusion of children in genomic research


Parents (n = 1227)

Non-parents (n = 1406)

p value**

% (n*)

% (n*)




52 (634)

53 (751)



48 (591)

47 (653)

Age groups, years

< 0.0001


28 (347)

36 (504)



70 (852)

37 (526)


2 (25)

27 (373)

Age, mean (SD)

45 (8)

48 (15)


Level of high education***

< 0.0001

 None higher education

2 (17)

3 (34)


 Short higher(< 3 years)

28 (348)

29 (409)


 Medium higher (3–4 years)

29 (356)

32 (449)

 Long higher (> 4 years)

38 (470)

31 (439)

 Other education

3 (35)

5 (74)

Marital status

< 0.0001


84 (1032)

52 (727)



6 (70)

17 (241)


10 (122)

31 (437)

Stakeholder groups



 Persons with mental disorders

8 (103)

10 (138)


 Relatives to persons with mental disorders

26 (322)

25 (348)

 Blood donors

61 (749)

62 (871)

 Clinical geneticists

2 (18)

1 (10)


3 (35)

2 (39)

  1. Socio-economic characteristics of the sample; specified in percentage and number of participants divided by parents, non-parents, and total. Values that were significant at p < 0.05 are set in italics
  2. *n varies because of missing data
  3. **χ2
  4. ***Children must receive 10 years of compulsory education in Denmark