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Fig. 2 | Human Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Convergent lines of evidence support BIN1 as a risk gene of Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 2

Prioritizing genes at four loci for AD. a, c, e, g The brown dots at top plot represent the association between SNPs and AD in GWAS, diamonds represent the P values of SMR analysis, and triangles stand for genes without a PeQTL < 5.0 × 10−8. In the bottom plot, the SNPs with PeQTL of eQTL study were plotted. The genes that survived after the SMR and HEIDI tests were highlighted using red color. b, d, f, h We showed the effect estimates of SNPs from AD GWAS plotted against those for SNPs from the eQTL analysis. The orange lines represent the estimate of effect size at the top cis-eQTL. Error bars represent the standard errors of SNP effects size

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