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Table S3 Function and regulation of prokaryotic small subunit ribosomal proteins

From: The other lives of ribosomal proteins

Protein Name




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E. coli

Stimulates the T4 endo-ribonuclease Reg B

Aliprandi et al., S1 Ribosomal Protein Functions in Translation Initiation and Ribonuclease RegB Activation are mediated by similar RNA-Protein Interactions. (2008). The Journal of Biological Chemistry 283(19):13289-13301.


Poly (A) binding protein in E. coli

Kalapos MP, Paulus H, Sarkar N. (1997). Identification of ribosomal protein S1 as a poly(A) binding protein in Escherichia coli. Biochimie 79(8):493-502.


Interact with non-coding RNA DsrA and with rpoS mRNA and has a small role in altering the structures of these RNAs

Rositsa I. Koleva, Christina A. Austin, Jeffrey M. Kowaleski, Daniel S. Neems, Leyi Wang, Calvin P.H. Vary, Paula Jean Schlax. (2006). Interactions of ribosomal protein S1 with DsrA and rpoS mRNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 348: 662-668.


Binds to tmRNA, which tags truncated/trans-translated proteins for degradation

Matthieu Saguy, Reynald Gillet, Patricia Skorski, Sylvie Hermann-Le Denmat and Brice Felden. (2007). Ribosomal protein S1 influences trans-translation in vitro and in vivo. Nucleic Acids Research 35(7): 2368-2376.


Over expression results in protection of mRNA degradation by PNPase

Briani et al.; (2008). Polynucleotide phosphorylase hinders mRNA degradation upon ribosomal protein S1 overexpression in Escherichia coli. RNA 4(11):2417-2429.


E. coli

Identical to H-protein in E. coli (Binds DNA and is associated with E. coli nucleoid)

Robert C.Bruckner and Michael M.Cox. (1989). The histone-like H protein of Escherichia coli is ribosomal protein S3. Nucleic Acids Research 17(8).


E. coli

Overproduction of S4 stimulate rRNA synthesis

Takabe, Y., Miura, A., Bedwell, D., Tam, M. and Nomura, M. (1985). Increased expression of ribosomal genes during inhibition of ribosome assembly in Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Biology 184: 23-30.


Myxococcus xanthus

Heat inducible protein

Maria De Angelis, Raffaella Di Cagno, Claude Huet, Carmine Crecchio, Patrick F. Fox, and Marco Gobbetti. (2004). Heat Shock Response in Lactobacillus plantarum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (3): 1336-1346.


E. coli

Acts as an endonuclease

Jacques Oberto, Eliette Elisabeth Mouray, Olivier Pellegrini, P. Mikael Wikstrom and Josette Rouviere-Yaniv. (1996). The Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S16 is an Endonuclease. Molecular Microbiology 19(6): 1319-1330.