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Table 1 Available datasets in e-PKGene

From: e-PKGene: A knowledge-based research tool for analysing the impact of genetics on drug exposure

Curated facts from publications

   Natural language descriptions/comments

   Quantitative data (eg AUC, Cmax, half-life, Tmax)

   Variant details

   Genotype details

   Phenotype details

   Population details (eg ethnicity, gender)

   External links to PubMed

Design and methods details

   Design and drug administration

   Genotyping method

   Phenotyping method

   Alleles and genes tested

   Pharmacokinetics measurements

   Pharmacodynamics measurements/protocol

   Side effects

Drug information

   Pharmacology and interactions

   Metabolising enzymes and transporters involved

   Classification (therapeutic uses, therapeutic range)

   PubChem record, CAS number

Genetic information

   Gene (common name, synonyms)

   Genetic variations (DNA sequence variations [SNP], rs numbers)

   AUC, area under the curve; Cmax, maximum (peak) observed drug concentration; Tmax, time to reach maximum concentration following drug administration; CAS, Chemical Abstracts Service