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Fig. 4 | Human Genomics

Fig. 4

From: Pan-cancer illumination of TRIM gene family reveals immunology regulation and potential therapeutic implications

Fig. 4

Immune regulation of TRIM protein family across cancer types. A The landscape of correlations between TRIMs scores and expression of immune regulatory factors which divided into seven categories: antigen presentation, cell adhesion, co-inhibition, co-stimulation, receptor, ligand and others is shown. Heat map showing Spearman correlation coefficient (SCC) between TRIMs scores and expression of immune regulatory factors. Red indicates positive correlation, blue indicates negative correlation. Red indicates positive correlation, while blue indicates negative. B The correlations between TRIMs scores and immune cell infiltrations across cancer types. Dot plot showing Spearman correlation coefficient (SCC) and size of the dots corresponding to the − log10(adjusted p values). Red indicates positive, while blue indicates negative. The black border demonstrates significant correlation. C and D Scatter plots showing the correlations between TRIMs scores and Macrophage M1 (C) or M2 (D) infiltrations across cancer types. Dot and lines are colored by cancer types

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