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Fig. 2 | Human Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Transcriptome and proteome analysis reveals the anti-cancer properties of Hypnea musciformis marine macroalga extract in liver and intestinal cancer cells

Fig. 2

Transcriptome analysis following HME treatment. A MDS plot analysis highlighting the two primary sources of transcriptional variability in HepG2 and Ls174 cells following seaweed extract treatment. Each dot corresponds to a separate biological replicate. PC: principal component. B Heatmap analysis summarizing the transcriptional changes in HepG2 cells with and without treatment. Gene expression was log2 transformed and shown as normalized z-score. C Volcano plot analysis demonstrating the statistically significant differentially expressed (DE) genes following treatment of HepG2 cells with seaweed extract. Y-axis represents p-value after − log10 transformation, x-axis corresponds to log2 transformed fold change. D Venn diagram showing the integration of HepG2 and Ls174 statistically significant DE genes in response to seaweed treatment. Asterisks mark statistical significance based on a hypergeometric test. E Deregulogram analysis highlighting the unidirectional expression changes of the commonly affected transcripts in Ls174 and HepG2. Both axes correspond to log2 fold change of treated vs untreated cells. F Dot plot summarizing gene ontology results of biological function for the statistically significant DE genes. Dot size corresponds to number of DE genes and colour corresponds to statistical significance for each cellular function

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