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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of the UK Biobank participants in PheWAS (N = 423,419)

From: Phenome-wide association study on miRNA-related sequence variants: the UK Biobank


Mean/N (SD/%)

Age, years (SD)

56.8 (7.9)

Sex, female (%)

228,441 (53.5)


27.4 (4.8)

SBP, mmHg (SD)

139.9 (19.7)

DBP, mmHg (SD)

82.2 (10.7)

History of type 2 diabetes

22,054 (5.2)

History of coronary heart disease

22,314 (5.3)

Smoking status

 Current smoker

44,061 (10.4)

 Previous smoker

150,323 (35.5)

 Never smoker

227,534 (53.7)

Alcohol drinking status


394,792 (93.2)


14,766 (3.5)


13,477 (3.4)


 Total cholesterol, mmol/L (SD)

5.7 (1.14)

 LDL-C, mmol/L (SD)

3.6 (0.87)

 HDL-C, mmol/L (SD)

1.5 (0.38)

 Triglycerides, mmol/L (SD)

1.8 (1.02)

Employment status

 Employed (including self-employed)

241,669 (57.1)


144,895 (34.2)

 Student (full or part-time)

874 (0.21)


6,061 (1.43)

  1. SD standard deviation, N number of participants, BMI body mass index, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C high-density lipoprotein cholesterol